Purchasing Series



Purchasing Series

高效项目采购管理Effective purchasing management in program

采购人员财务管理 Financial Knowledge for Purchasing Profesionals

供应商质量管理(3天) Supplier Quality Management

如何成为专业的采购人员How to be a professional purchasing staff
采购管理中关键问题的分析与解决方案Key Issues Analyze and Solution in Purchasing Management

高级采购综合管理技能 Advanced Purchasing and Management Technique
间接物料及备品备件的采购管理 Indirect Material & Spare Parts Purchasing Management

双赢的策略谈判技巧 Win-win Strategic Negotiation Skills

基于成本底价的谈判Negotiation based on the cost price
采购风险管理 Procurement risk management
采购成本分析与降低道略Purchasing Cost Analysis and the Way for Cost Reducing
供应商关系管理与选择评估 (Supplier Relationship Managing, Selecting, and Evaluating
供应商风险管理Supplier Risk Management
采购法律知识及合同管理Purchasing Legal Knowledge and Contract Management
采购人员的职业道德控制与管理Professional Ethics Control and Management of Purchasing Personnel
采购如何创造企业竞争优势How to create competitive advantage for enterprise
采购招投标与合同风控实务Procurement Bidding and Contract risk control practice
切合实际的采购谈判Situational Purchasing Negotiation
全面降低采购成本How to Reduce the Purchasing Cost
战略采购和供应商定位Strategic sourcing and supplier positioning outline
战略采购与流程优化Strategic purchasing and process optimization